SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!!'Salah dan silap harap dimaafkan ye..
Halalkan makan dan minum..
semoga ceria di samping keluarga menyambut hari lebaran..
di bulan yang mulia ini..'
ikhlas dari nor zalikha bt nor azman dan keluarga..
untuk kaum muslimin dan muslimat..=)
wee..a new post today..last thursday equal to 4th day of raya..i just finished my applics exam..the last exam and the last day to get rid of heavy stress..yippi..because of why..?? because then i can only enjoy my actual raya..haha..but i think i am sooo have exam during raya time..than people that have exam after raya..for me,that is moooooreee stressful ogeyh..i'm on holiday until this everyone start to go back to their school and college..and i was like stuck here..athome??..enjoy my holiday soooo sesat...(owg laen study,aku cuti...owg laen cuti,aku study..blablabla..)ok..go 3 days (thursday after applics,saturday and sunday),i was not fully at home..enjoy hangout at my friends house because..some of them did 'open house' a.k.a 'rumah terbuka'..for 2 days cabob become my driver..haha..since like my house and his house like sooo near..not really near..but still,he picked me up at home on saturday and sunday and went raya to our technic's friends and also a few of our teacher house..but like pity him..i didn't pay anything for the journey..he paid the toll and also fuel..ahah..when i ask him wether i have to pay him or not..he said no,like okayh..because somethimes we have to bully him also..since like he always bully me at school!! *sigh*..cabob,don get angry okayh..(like he knows what i wrote in this blog..)ahaha..nvm,just express my feelings about this..thanks la cabob =) appreciate it time,can go jalan with you again..traaalala..
hee..yesterday,mummy's family ,nenek and mama's family came to our 'happening' giler arr..long time like my house not full with our relatives..have fun and enjoy sakan..seriously..( haha..kire meriah la umah )..with my aunties cousins uncle voice..our voice..haha..combined together and be one voice..became soo LOUD..daaa..luckly no one of our neighbour come and 'serang' us..hehe..and at last..we didn't snap any picture!! sister wanted to...but she said she a little bit shy..what la..damn funny..